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licenseid #

Query the SPDX license list and licenses information

licenseid module embeds the SPDX license list data file taken from and allows you to obtain basic information about the license from this file, as well as request the license texts and additional data from the network.

fn query #

fn query(license_id string) !License

query returns license object from embedded SPDX license list data file.

struct License #

struct License {
	license_id               string @[json: licenseId]
	name                     string
	reference                string
	reference_number         int      @[json: referenceNumber]
	details_url              string   @[json: detailsUrl]
	is_osi_approved          bool     @[json: isOsiApproved]
	is_deprecated_license_id bool     @[json: isDeprecatedLicenseId]
	see_also                 []string @[json: seeAlso]

fn (License) details #

fn (l License) details() !LicenseDetails

details fetches the license details object from SPDX data file using the details_url. Requires access to public network.

struct LicenseDetails #

struct LicenseDetails {
	license_id               string @[json: licenseId]
	name                     string
	license_text             string      @[json: licenseText]
	license_text_html        string      @[json: licenseTextHtml]
	license_template         string      @[json: standardLicenseTemplate]
	is_osi_approved          bool        @[json: isOsiApproved]
	is_deprecated_license_id bool        @[json: isDeprecatedLicenseId]
	cross_ref                []Reference @[json: crossRef]
	see_also                 []string    @[json: seeAlso]

struct Reference #

struct Reference {
	match           string
	url             string
	is_valid        bool @[json: isValid]
	is_live         bool @[json: isLive]
	is_way_backlink bool @[json: isWayBackLink]
	timestamp       string
	order           int